Prof. Moritz Diehl
Nonlinear Optimization Methods for Model Predictive Control of Mechatronic Systems
Was |
Wann |
02.02.2017 von 10:00 bis 11:00 |
Wo | Eckerstraße 1, Raum 404, 4. OG |
Termin übernehmen |
vCal iCal |
Model Predictive Control (MPC) for mechatronic systems is based on the online
solution of medium scaled constrained nonlinear optimal control problems, with
sampling times in the milli and microsecond range. This poses specific challenges
for the problem formulation and the numerical solution methods. This talk pres-
ents and discusses algorithms and open source software implementations that are
designed to address these challenges, and reports on experimental tests with me-
chatronic, aerospace and automotive applications. The focus is on recent progress
on numerical integration and derivative generation, as well as embedded quadratic
programming methods.