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Event Prof. Holger Dette
Statistical methodology for comparing curves
Event JProf. Philipp Harms
Shape Analysis: Infinite-Dimensional Geometry, Statistics on Manifolds, and Applications
Event Prof. David Siegmund
Detection and Estimation of Local Signals
Event Prof. Dr. Leonhard Held
Building a Statistical Model: The Endemic-Epidemic Modelling Framework
Event Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ferrando
Trajectorial Models based on Operational Assumptions
Event Prof. Dr. Jeannette Woerner
Zeitstetige Moving-Average Prozesse und Anwendungen auf die Strompreismodellierung
Event Hanna Sophia Wutte
How implicit regularization of Neural Networks affects the learned function
Event Prof. Peter Pfaffelhuber und Peter Czuppon
Noise in autoregulated gene expression
Event Adriani Nikolakopoulou
What works best? Methods for ranking competing treatments
Event Dr. Lars Kaderali
Integrated Survival Analysis based on global Genomic and Gene Expression Profiles
Event Prof. Alexander Meister
Starke Gauß'sche Approximation des Rasch-Mischungsmodells mit Anwendungen
Event Prof. Dr. Peter Kohl
Computational Models as Drivers of Cardiac Research
Event Dr. Oldrich Vasicek
The economics of interest rates
Event Dr. Blanka Horvath
Short-time near-the-money skew in rough fractional stochastic volatility models
Event Raquel Gaspar
Design risk of Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance
Event Ludger Rüschendorf
Evaluation of risks under dependence uncertainty
Event Peter Hieber
Valuation and Risk Management of Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits (GMDB) by Randomization
Event Lukas Steinberger
Statistical estimation under differential privacy constraints
Event Stefan Feuerriegel
Statistical learning and patient trajectories in healthcare analytics
Event Bernd Fitzenberger
Déjà Vu? Short-Term Training in Germany 1980-1992 and 2000-2003
Event Mikhail Urusov
On the martingale property of certain local martingales
Event Henry Abarbanel
Dynamical State and Parameter Estimation
Event Dr. Michael Öllinger
Methodological problems in studying higher cognitive functions with EEG
Event Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz
Improved Modeling of Double Default Effects in Basel II - An Endogeneous Asset Drop Model without Additional Correlation
Event Prof. Dr. Roland Fried
Event Prof. Gerard J. van den Berg
Critical Periods During Childhood and Adolescence: A Study of Adult Height Among Immigrant Siblings
Event Torben Martinussen, Ph.D
Estimation of direct effect for survival data using the Aalen additive hazards model
Event Prof. David O. Siegmund
Detecting the Emergence of a Signal in a Noisy Image
Event Dr. Wolfgang Huber
From genomes to phenotypes - statistical applications in transcriptomics, high-throughput RNAi and microscopy image based phenotyping.
Event Istvan Z. Kiss, Ph.D.
Electrochemical oscillations and chaos on macro- and microscales: phase diffusion, synchronization, and pacemaker design
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