Suchresultate — 108 items matching your search terms
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- Prof. Holger Dette
- Statistical methodology for comparing curves
- JProf. Philipp Harms
- Shape Analysis: Infinite-Dimensional Geometry, Statistics on Manifolds, and Applications
- Prof. David Siegmund
- Detection and Estimation of Local Signals
- Prof. Dr. Leonhard Held
- Building a Statistical Model: The Endemic-Epidemic Modelling Framework
- Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ferrando
- Trajectorial Models based on Operational Assumptions
- Prof. Dr. Jeannette Woerner
- Zeitstetige Moving-Average Prozesse und Anwendungen auf die Strompreismodellierung
- Hanna Sophia Wutte
- How implicit regularization of Neural Networks affects the learned function
- Prof. Peter Pfaffelhuber und Peter Czuppon
- Noise in autoregulated gene expression
- Adriani Nikolakopoulou
- What works best? Methods for ranking competing treatments
- Dr. Lars Kaderali
- Integrated Survival Analysis based on global Genomic and Gene Expression Profiles
- Prof. Alexander Meister
- Starke Gauß'sche Approximation des Rasch-Mischungsmodells mit Anwendungen
- Prof. Dr. Peter Kohl
- Computational Models as Drivers of Cardiac Research
- Dr. Oldrich Vasicek
- The economics of interest rates
- Dr. Blanka Horvath
- Short-time near-the-money skew in rough fractional stochastic volatility models
- Raquel Gaspar
- Design risk of Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance
- Ludger Rüschendorf
- Evaluation of risks under dependence uncertainty
- Peter Hieber
- Valuation and Risk Management of Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefits (GMDB) by Randomization
- Lukas Steinberger
- Statistical estimation under differential privacy constraints
- Stefan Feuerriegel
- Statistical learning and patient trajectories in healthcare analytics
- Bernd Fitzenberger
- Déjà Vu? Short-Term Training in Germany 1980-1992 and 2000-2003
- Mikhail Urusov
- On the martingale property of certain local martingales
- Henry Abarbanel
- Dynamical State and Parameter Estimation
- Dr. Michael Öllinger
- Methodological problems in studying higher cognitive functions with EEG
- Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz
- Improved Modeling of Double Default Effects in Basel II - An Endogeneous Asset Drop Model without Additional Correlation
- Prof. Dr. Roland Fried
- Prof. Gerard J. van den Berg
- Critical Periods During Childhood and Adolescence: A Study of Adult Height Among Immigrant Siblings
- Torben Martinussen, Ph.D
- Estimation of direct effect for survival data using the Aalen additive hazards model
- Prof. David O. Siegmund
- Detecting the Emergence of a Signal in a Noisy Image
- Dr. Wolfgang Huber
- From genomes to phenotypes - statistical applications in transcriptomics, high-throughput RNAi and microscopy image based phenotyping.
- Istvan Z. Kiss, Ph.D.
- Electrochemical oscillations and chaos on macro- and microscales: phase diffusion, synchronization, and pacemaker design