Suchresultate — 108 items matching your search terms
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- Mag. Dr. Alexandra Graf
- Model selection based on FDR-thresholding; optimizing the area under the receiver; operating characteristic curve
- Dr. Giovanni Puccetti
- Risk aggregation: New techniques and new problems
- Fabian Fuchs
- A comparison principle based on couplings of partial integro-differential operators
- Feier zum 30-jährigen Bestehen des FDM-Seminars
- Matthias Steinrücken
- Inferring Demographic Histories using Coalescent Hidden Markov Models
- Dr. Christiane Fuchs
- Understanding Biological Processes using Stochastic Modelling
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Dahlhaus
- Cointegration and Phase Synchronization: Bridging Two Theories
- Prof. Dr. Josef Teichmann
- Affine processes in mathematical Finance
- Jonas Blessing
- Nonlinear semigroups and limit theorems for convex expectations
- Prof. Cristina Butucea
- Quantum statistical models and inference
- Ronald B. Geskus, PhD
- Censoring and truncation: inverse probability weighted estimators of survival
- Prof. Dr. Elmar Kotter
- Reporting in Radiology - the challenge of structuring reports
- Dr. Hua Tang
- Learning Genetic Architecture of Complex Traits Across Populations
- Dr. Noor Awad
- Evolutionary Algorithms: what can do for you?
- Dr. Alexis Anagnostakis (Université Grenoble Alpes)
- Approximation of the local time of a sticky diffusion and applications
- Elisabeth Pröhl
- Existence and Uniqueness of Recursive Equilibria with Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Risk
- Prof. Ph.D. Juan-Pablo Ortega
- Time-delay reservoir computers: nonlinear stability of functional differential systems and optimal nonlinear information processing capacity. Applications to ...
- Joseph Meyer
- Statistical Learning for Structured Models: Tree Based Methods and Neural Networks
- Annika Kemper
- A Principal-Agent Framework for Optimal Incentives in Renewable Investments
- Dr. Kolyan Ray
- Asymptotic equivalence between density estimation and Gaussian white noise revisited
- Prof. Micha Mandel
- Cross-sectional Sampling, Bias and Dependence
- Dr. Valeria Bignozzi
- How superadditive can a risk measure be?
- JProf David Gross
- Quantum Physics and Big Data
- Prof. Dr. Toni Cathomen
- Therapeutic genome editing and its need for artificial intelligence
- Artur Schneider
- Toolbox for the Analysis of Motor Dynamics
- Nicole Augustin, PhD
- Modelling Obesity as a function of weekly physical activity profiles measured by Actigraph accelerometers
- Robert Tibshirani - The Lasso and interaction models
- Vortrag Robert Tibshirani (USA) über "The Lasso and interaction models"
- Dr. Clemens Kreutz
- Uncertainty analyses in the systems biology using the profile likelihood
- Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez
- Nonparametric and semiparametric estimation of a distribution function under random double truncation
- Dr. Christian Fleck