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Sebastian Bossert

Competing selective sweeps

Wann 06.05.2016
von 12:00 bis 13:00
Wo Eckerstr. 1
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In population genetics, mathematical models are used to study the distributi-
ons and changes of allele frequencies. Main evolutionary factors influencing these
frequencies are (among others) mutation, selection and recombination. Maynard
Smith and Haigh (1974) analysed in a pioneering theoretical framework the process
when a new, strongly selected advantageous mutation becomes fixed in a popula-
tion. They identified that such an evolution, called selective sweep, leads to the
reduction of diversity around the selective locus. In the following years other scien-
tists faced the question to what extent this characteristic still holds, when certain
assumptions are modified.
In this talk a situation is presented where two selective sweeps within a narrow
genomic region overlap in a sexually evolving population. For such a competing
sweeps situation the probability of a fixation of both beneficial alleles, in cases
where these alleles are not initially linked, is examined. To handle this question
a graphical tool, the ancestral selection recombination graph, is utilized, which
is based on a genealogical view on the population. This approach provides a li-
mit result (for large selection coefficients) for the probability that both beneficial
mutations will eventually fix. The analytical examination is complemented by si-
mulation results.

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