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Identification of preseizure states in epilepsy: A data-driven approach for multichannel EEG recordings.
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Statistical validation of event predictors: A comparative study based on the field of seizure prediction.
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A unified approach to the helioseismic inversion problem of the solar meridional flow from global oscillations.
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On the estimation of the direction of information flow in networks of dynamical systems.
J. Neurosci. Meth. 196, 2011, 182-189. - Raue A, Kreutz C, Maiwald T, Klingmueller U, Timmer J.
Addressing Parameter Identifiability by Model-Based Experimentation
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Dynamic Mathematical Modeling of IL13-induced Signaling in Hodgkin and Primary Mediastinal B-cell Lymphoma Allows Prediction of Therapeutic Targets.
Cancer Research, 2011, 71(3), 1-12. - Bachmann J, Raue A, Schilling M, Bohm ME, Kreutz C, Kaschek D, Busch H, Gretz N, Lehmann WD, Timmer J, Klingmueller U.
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A regression model for the conditional probability of a competing event: application to monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance.
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Estimating summary functionals in multistate models with an application to hospital infection data.
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Allignol A, Schumacher M, Wanner C, Drechsler C, Beyersmann J.
Understanding competing risks: a simulation point of view.
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The time-dependent bias and its effect on extra length of stay due to nosocomial infection.
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Beyersmann J, Wolkewitz M, Allignol A, Grambauer N, Schumacher M.
Application of multistate models in hospital epidemiology: Advances and challenges. Biometrical J, 2011; 53: 332-350:
- De Angelis G, Allignol A, Murthy A, Wolkewitz M, Beyersmann J, Safran E, Schrenzel J, Pittet D, Harbarth S.
Multistate modelling to estimate the excess length of stay associated with meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonisation and infection in surgical patients.
J Hosp Infect, 2011; 78: 86-91: \ - Graves N, Barnett AG, Halton K, Crnich C, Cooper B, Beyersmann J, Wolkewitz M, Samore M, Harbarth S.
The Importance of Good Data, Analysis, and Interpretation for Showing the Economics of Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infection.
/Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology/, 2011; 32: 927-928: - Binder H., Porzelius C., Schumacher M.
An overview of techniques for linking high-dimensional molecular data to time-to-event endpoints by risk prediction models.
Biometrical Journal 53, 2011, 170-189. - Eugster M., Knaus J., Porzelius C., Schmidberger M., Vicedo E.
Hands-on tutorial for parallel computing with R.
Computational Statistics 26, 2011, 219-239. - Porzelius C., Johannes M., Binder H., Beißbarth T.
Leveraging external knowledge on molecular interactions in classification methods for risk prediction of patients.
Biometrical Journal 53, 2011, 190-201. - Porzelius C., Schumacher M., Binder H.
The benefit of data-based model complexity selection via prediction error curves in time-to-event data.
Computational Statistics 26, 2011, 293-302.
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An overview of techniques for linking high-dimensional molecular data to time-to-event endpoints by risk prediction models.
Biometrical Journal, 2011; 53: 170-189. - Porzelius C, Johannes M, Binder H, Beißbarth T.
Leveraging external knowledge on molecular interactions in classification methods for risk prediction of patients.
Biometrical Journal, 2011; 53: 190-201 - Porzelius C, Schumacher M, Binder H.
The benefit of data-based model complexity selection via prediction error curves in time-to-event data.
Computational Statistics, 2011; 26: 293-302 - Rücker G, Schwarzer G, Carpenter JR, Binder H, Schumacher M.
Treatment-effect estimates adjusted for small-study effects via a limit meta-analysis. Biostatistics, 2011; 12: 122-142 - Schoop R, Beyersmann J, Schumacher M, Binder H.
Quantifying the predictive accuracy of time-to-event models in the presence of competing risks.
Biometrical Journal, 2011; 53: 88-112 - Bauer R, Gottfriedsen G-U, Binder H, Dobmeier M, Cording C, Hajak G, Spiessl H.
Burden of caregivers of patients with bipolar affective disorders.
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Measures of prediction error for survival data with longitudinal covariates.
Biometrical J, 2011; 53: 275-293:
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Adding local components to global functions for continuous covariates in multivariable regression modeling.
Statistics in Medicine, 2010; 29: 800-817. - Porzelius C, Schumacher M, Binder H.
A general, prediction error-based criterion for selecting model complexity for high-dimensional survival models.
Statistics in Medicine, 2010; 29: 830-838. - Porzelius C, Schumacher M, Binder H.
Sparse regression techniques in low-dimensional survival settings.
Statistics and Computing, 2010; 20:151-163.
M. Ihle, H. Feldwisch-Drentrup, C.A. Teixeira, A. Witon, B. Schelter, J. Timmer, A. Schulze-Bonhage.
EPILEPSIAE - A European epilepsy database
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Combining functional and anatomical connectivity reveals brain networks for auditory language comprehension.
Neuroimage 49, 2010, 3187-3197 - J. Nawrath, M.C. Romano, M. Thiel, I.Z. Kiss, M. Wickramasinghe, J. Timmer, J. Kurths, B. Schelter.
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Identifiability and Observability Analysis for Experimental Design in Non-Linear Dynamical Models.
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Covering a broad dynamic range: information processing at the erythropoietin receptor.
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The transcription factors ETF, E2F and SP-1 are involved in cytokine-independent proliferation of murine hepatocytes.
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Two pitfalls in survival analyses of time-dependent exposure: a case study in a cohort of Oscar Nominees.
Am Stat, 2010; 64: 205-211: - Wolkewitz M, Beyersmann J, Schumacher M.
A note on statistical association and causality derived from epidemiological ICU data. Intens Care Med, 2010; 36: 549: -
Grambauer N, Schumacher M, Dettenkofer M, Beyersmann J.
Incidence densities in a competing events analysis.
Am J Epidemiol. 2010 Nov 1;172(9):1077-84. Epub 2010 Sep 3. PubMed PMID: 20817786. -
Grambauer N, Schumacher M, Beyersmann J.
Proportional subdistribution hazards modeling offers a summary analysis, even if misspecified.
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Allignol A, Beyersmann J.
Software for fitting nonstandard proportional subdistribution hazards models. Biostatistics, 2010; 11: 674-675: -
Allignol A, Schumacher M, Beyersmann J.
A note on variance estimation of the Aalen-Johansen estimator of the cumulative incidence function in competing risks, with a view towards left-truncated data. Biometrical J, 2010; 52: 126-137: -
Porzelius C., Schumacher M., Binder H.
A general, prediction error-based criterion for selecting model complexity for high-dimensional survival models.
Statistics in Medicine 29, 2010, 830-838. -
Porzelius C., Schumacher M., Binder H.
Sparse regression techniques in low-dimensional survival data settings.
Statistics and Computing 20, 2010, 151-163.
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Adding local components to global functions for continuous covariates in multivariable regression modeling.
Statistics in Medicine, 2010; 29: 800-817. - Porzelius C, Schumacher M, Binder H.
A general, prediction error-based criterion for selecting model complexity for high-dimensional survival models.
Statistics in Medicine, 2010; 29: 830-838. - Porzelius C, Schumacher M, Binder H.
Sparse regression techniques in low-dimensional survival settings.
Statistics and Computing, 2010; 20:151-163.
- Sreseli RT, Binder H, Kuhn M, Digel W, Veelken H, Sienel W, Passlick B, Schumacher M, Martens UM, Zimmermann S.
Identification of a 17-protein signature in the serum of lung cancer patients.
Oncology Reports, 2010; 24:263-270 - De Angelis G, Murthy A, Beyersmann J, Harbarth S:
Estimating the impact of healthcare-associated infections on length of stay and
Clin Microbiol Infec, 2010; 16: 1729-1735 - Graves N, Harbarth S, Beyersmann J, Barnett A, Halton K, Cooper B:
Healthcare epidemiology: estimating the cost of health care associated infections: mind your p's and q's.
Clin Infect Dis, 2010; 50: 1017-1021 - Zahn D, Weidner G, Beyersmann J, Smits JMA, Deng MC, Kaczmarek I,
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Composite risk scores and depression as predictors of competing
waiting-list outcomes: the Waiting for a New Heart Study.
Transpl Int, 2010; 23: 1223-1232 - Zuschneid I, Rücker G, Schoop R, Beyersmann J, Schumacher M, Geffers
C, Rüden H, Gastmeier P:
Representativeness of the surveillance data in the intensive care unit component of the German Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System.
Infect Cont Hosp Ep, 2010; 31: 934-938
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Modeling the effect of time-dependent exposure on intensive care unit mortality.
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Efficient risk set sampling when a time-dependent exposure is present. Matching for time to exposure versus exposure density sampling.
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Easier Parallel Computing in R with snowfall and sfCluster.
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Parallelized prediction error estimation for evaluation of high-dimensional models.
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Boosting for high-dimensional time-to-event data with competing risks.
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Stability analysis of an additive spline model for respiratory health data using knot removal.
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Incorporating pathway information into boosting estimation of high-dimensional risk prediction models.
BMC Bioinformatics, 2009; 10: 18. - Beyersmann J, Kneib T, Schumacher M, Gastmeier P:
Nosocomial infection, length of stay, and time\u2010dependent bias.
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Simulating competing risks data in survival analysis.
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Time-variant estimation of directed influence during Parkinsonian tremor.
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Application of a multivariate seizure detection and prediction method to non-invasive and intracranial long-term EEG recordings.Clinical Neurophysiology 119, 2008, 197-211 pdf
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Wolkewitz M, Dettenkofer M, Bertz H, Schumacher M, Huebner J.
Statistical epidemic modeling with hospital outbreak data.
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Risk factors for the development of nosocomial pneumonia and mortality on intensive care units: application of competing risks models.
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Regression modelling in hospital epidemiology: a statistical note.
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Increasing the usefulness of additive spline models by knot removal.
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Adapting prediction error estimates for biased complexity selection in high-dimensional bootstrap samples.
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2008; 7: Article 12 - Binder H, Schumacher M.
Allowing for mandatory covariates in boosting estimation of sparse high-dimensional survival models.
BMC Bioinformatics, 2008; 9: 14 - Binder H, Schumacher M.
Comment on 'Network-constrained regularization and variable selection for analysis of genomic data'.
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Design of a placebo-controlled, randomized study of the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of chronic tinntius.
BMC Psychiatry, 2008; 8: 1-9 - Schoop R, Graf E, Schumacher M.
Quantifying the predictive performance of prognostic models for censored survival data with time-dependent covariates.
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Transmission-associated nosocomial infections: Prolongation of intensive care unit stay and risk factor analysis using multistate models
Am J Infect Control, 2008; 36: 98-103 - Beyersmann J, Schumacher M:
Time-dependent covariates in the proportional subdistribution hazards model for competing risks.
Biostatistics, 2008; 9: 765-776 - Beyersmann J, Schumacher M:
A note on nonparametric quantile inference for competing risks and more complex multistate models.
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Genome-wide analysis of DNA copy number changes in CLL using high-density SNP arrays.Blood 109, 2007, 1202-1210 pdf
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Attributable mortality due to nosocomial infections - A simple and useful application of multistate models.
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Selection of important variables and determination of functional form for continuous predictors in multivariable model building.
Statistics in Medicine, 2007; 26: 5512-5528 - Schumacher M, Binder H, Gerds TA.
Assessment of survival prediction models based on microarray data.
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A random time interval approach for analysing the impact
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Biometrical J, 2007; 49: 742-749 - Beyersmann J, Dettenkofer M, Bertz H, Schumacher M:
A competing risks analysis of bloodstream infection after stem-cell transplantation using subdistribution hazards and cause-specific hazards.
Stat Med, 2007; 26: 5360-5369 - Meyer E, Beyersmann J, Bertz H, Wenzler-Röttele S, Babikir R,
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Risk factor analysis of blood stream infection and pneumonia in neutropenic patients after peripheral blood stem-cell transplantation.
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Beyersmann J, Gastmeier P, Grundmann H, Bärwolff S, Geffers C, Behnke
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Use of multistate models to assess prolongation of intensive care unit stay due to nosocomial infection.
Infect Cont Hosp Ep, 2006; 27: 493-499 -
Rücker G, Schoop R, Beyersmann J, Schumacher M, Zuschneid I:
Are KISS data representative of German intensive care units? - Statistical
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changeLOS: An R-package for change in length of hospital stay based on the Aalen-Johansen estimator
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